Thanks for joining us at Ensure Justice 2025:
Safety Nets

March 7-8 | 8:30am | Vanguard University

Registration is now closed.

You may register on-site at 8:30am on March 7 at Vanguard, 55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa.

Thank you!

For questions, please email:

This year’s conference explores the ways we can keep kids safe online.

This year’s conference explores the ways we can keep kids safe online.

Children need a healthy foundation to stay safe and flourish into adulthood. They need knowledge, information, and a community of support to catch them if they are heading for a fall. 

This year’s Ensure Justice 2025, “Safety Nets”, will explore topics to keep children safe so they do not fall prey to labor trafficking, sex trafficking, online grooming, gamification, sextortion, pornography, gangs, and unhealthy relationships. 

Please join us on March 7th and 8th at Vanguard University as we partner with the Orange County Department of Education to provide key information to assist parents, caregivers, school professionals and the youth of Orange County in staying safe.


Supervisory Special Agent, Homeland Security Investigations

Christopher Diorio

Associate Executive Vice President of The New York Board of Rabbis & Member of the Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities 

Rabbi Diana Gerson

CCTO & Assistant Superintendent of Innovation and Instructional Support, Fullerton School District 

Jeremy Davis

Check out our highlights from last year!

We hope to see you there!

Conference Schedule

Friday, March 7, 2025
8:30AM-9:15AM Registration and Exhibitor Hall
9:15AM-9:45AM Welcome : Dr. Sandra Morgan, Michael Beals and Dr. Stefan Bean
9:45AM-10:45AM Keynote: Making Children a Hard Target
Speaker(s): Christopher Diorio
Facilitator: Dr. Sandra Morgan
10:45AM-11:00AM BREAK (15 MINUTES) Coffee - Exhibitor Hall
11:00AM-12:00PM Plenary: Global Actions, Local Impacts: Protecting Children in the Digital Age
Speakers: Rabbi Diana Gerson and Corrine St. Thomas
Facilitator: Dr. Sandra Morgan
1:00PM -2:00PM Plenary: Labor Trafficking: The Threat to Working Minors
Speakers: Paul Chang, and Andre Mouchard                                                                         
Facilitator: Kendra Tankersley-Davis
2:00PM-3:00PM Plenary: Online Safety with Vulnerable Populations
Speakers: Maddie Rodriguez, Shelby Feliciano-Sabala, and Alia Azariah
Facilitator: Derek Marsh
3:00PM-3:15PM BREAK (15 MINUTES) Coffee - Exhibitor Hall
3:15PM-4:15PM Plenary Panel: Connected and Protected - The Role of Schools in Empowering Students for Digital Wellness
Speakers: Andrea Foster and Jeremy Davis
Facilitator: Ruthi Hanchett
Saturday, March 8, 2025
8:30AM-9:00AM Registration and Exhibitor Hall and Breakfast
9:00-10:45am Plenary: Screenagers Movie and Student Panel Response
Speakers: Student Panel (Zoe Covert, Coco McLeroy, Samantha Dunson, Ari Johnson)
Facilitator: Jamie Macintosh
10:45AM-11:15AM Transition to Workshop Track 1
11:15AM-12:15PM Workshop Sessions Track 1
11:15AM-12:15PM Room: WAUGH
Title: Preventing  Exploitation Through Faith-Based Community Engagement
Speaker: Rabbi Diana Gerson
Room: 100
Title: iGuardian: Keeping Kids Safer Online
Speaker: TBD
Room: 102
Title: Comon Sense Media Strategies for Parents
Speaker: Janis Price
Room: 103
Title: Connection is the Curriculum: Restorative Pathways - Building a Safety Net for Youth Navigating Life Through a Trauma-Informed Community Healing Framework
Speaker: Maddie Rodriguez
Room: 104
Title: Practical Ways to Build Layers of Safety, Resillience, and Protection for our Kids (English)
Speaker: Brenda Navarrete
12:15PM-1:15PM      Lunch Break (1 Hour)
1:15PM-2:15PM Workshop Sessions Track 2
1:15PM-2:15PM Room: WAUGH
Title: The Role of Schools in Teaching Digital Wellness
Speaker: Jeremy Davis
Room: 100
Title: Parenting 101 in the Digital Age
Speaker: Ruthi Hanchett & Kendra Tankersley-Davis
Room: 102
Title: Supporting Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Orange County
Speaker: Jennifer Friend and Shelby Feliciano-Sabala
Room: 103
Title: Online Grooming
Speaker: Corrine St. Thomas
Room: 104
Title: Practical Ways to Build Layers of Safety, Resilience, and Protection for our Kids (Spanish)
Speaker: Brenda Navarrete
2:15PM-2:30PM Transition to Main Conference Room
2:30PM-3:30PM Plenary Panel: Safety Nets, Next Steps
Speakers: Rabbi Diana Gerson, Janis Price, Maddie Rodriguez, and Delaney Mininger
Facilitator: Dr. Sandra Morgan
3:30PM-3:45PM Closing: Dr. Sandra Morgan

Schedule and speakers subject to change.

Screenagers Film Showing

“Screenagers”, an award-winning film will be shown at the Ensure Justice event. This film probes into the vulnerable corners of family life and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games, and academics.

We hope to see you there!

Conference Details

March 7-8, 2025

Registration opens at 8:30am on Friday and Saturday

Vanguard University
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626



The following hotels provide a special rate for Vanguard-affiliated parties:

Ayres Hotel & Suites

Crowne Plaza Hotel

We hope you can join us!