Message from the Director
Welcome to the Global Center for Women and Justice (GCWJ) website! We encourage all communities to explore the issues surrounding human trafficking, victim rights, family violence, trauma, evidence-based practices, action research, and more. This is a space where we can study the issues and use our voices to make a difference locally, nationally and globally.
We expect both women, men, students and professionals to join this discussion and respond to this call for action. Explore this website and see the variety of research, education, advocacy and collaborations in which GCWJ is involved. We hope to inspire you to become involved and become a part of our community.
You can become a part of our community by listening to the Ending Human Trafficking Podcast, attending the annual Ensure Justice Conference, or signing up for the online Anti-Human Trafficking Certificate courses. On campus students can take the lead in peer-to-peer youth-led human trafficking prevention in our schools with the Live2Free student mobilization team and achieving a Women and Justice Minor. And there are many events in which to participate over each year, as well, like Slam Demand and Strike Out Slavery.
Join us. Study the issues. Be a voice. Make a difference. Director, Global Center for Women and Justice
—Dr. Sandra Morgan