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Hashtag activism, conspiracy theories, and the truth about human trafficking
Until we are willing to have an honest conversation about the intersections of race, poverty, sexual abuse, and the shadow economy supported by undocumented immigrants, we will not make significant progress to help the true victims of human trafficking in the U.S.
GCWJ Welcomes New Coordinator
I am excited to support the fight to end human trafficking in general, but I am most excited to work with students as they join the fight. College students are tenacious, passionate, and ready to change the world, and I am honored to walk alongside them as they lead us all toward a better, brighter future.
World Day Against Child Labor
"The challenge of ending child labour remains formidable. A total of 152 million children – 64 million girls and 88 million boys – are in child labour globally, accounting for almost one in ten of all children worldwide."
COVID-19 Impacts on Domestic Violence
Across the world, domestic violence calls have spiked as the self-quarantine regulations put a strain on households, and experts are raising concerns for a continued increase in domestic violence.
Fair Trade Fashion Show Toolkit
Empower and educate your community to make a difference by putting on your own Fair Trade Fashion Show.
Reach Your Child First
Learn five steps to have honest discussions with your child and learn more about online exploitation.
Bruce Cook Interview
72% of our victims in the last years report were American citizens. And so when I'm connecting this to the Covid-19 crisis, if you think about the vulnerability that makes someone take a risk of going someplace else, meeting someone they met online so that they can get a job, now how desperate are they going to be. It's going to amplify their vulnerability.
White House Appointment
Dr. Morgan is honored to join the Public-Private Partnership Advisory Council to advocate for victims and encourage a victim-centered, trauma-informed approach to national anti-trafficking efforts.
Youth experiencing homelessness are in an especially vulnerable position to the fraudulent and coercive tactics of human traffickers. The health and safety risks of homelessness for men, women, and children alike are enough to necessitate immediate community action.
Belinda Bauman: Empathy
She wanted her suffering response to be helpful to women that had experienced what she experienced. In order for her to be able to do that, she had to confront the perpetrators. She had to make peace with them and with her experience. And that was in passion. She took all of her sufferings and translated it into the actual change of her country.
What is Fair Trade?
Fair trade and ethically produced products restores the dignity of the worker and ensures conscientious consumerism. Regulation is needed to combat the dangers of human rights violations and labor trafficking among vulnerable populations.
We Must Study the Issues First
When I learned about human trafficking, I was living in Athens, Greece. I began to see very young girls in the doorways of the legal brothels. I recognized that these were not Greek girls. I began to ask questions.
Ensuring Justice in Argentina
The Global Center for Women and Justice (GCWJ) traveled to Argentina for eight days this past June to present on anti-trafficking best practices. Nestled between Paraguay and Brazil, the Misiones province in northern Argentina is reported as especially vulnerable to human trafficking due to the tri-border region.
Strike out Slavery and Live2free in New York City
I was overjoyed by how many people were using their platforms—be they professional baseball players, celebrity performers, or NGOs—to bring awareness to human trafficking, and I feel extremely thankful that I get to play a part in #StrikeOutSlavery.
Empower Women, Empower Everyone
267 school girls kidnapped by Boko Haram. Hundreds of Yazidi women sold into slavery by ISIS. Thousands of war rapes in Congo. Millions trafficked globally. The global issues facing women are clear.
Anti-Human Trafficking Certificate Testimony
As a licensed counselor and chairman of a local coalition working against human trafficking, I listened to the Ending Human Trafficking Podcast voraciously.
Greece Country Study Abroad
The Global Center for Woman and Justice sent 12 students to Greece for an intensive Country Study on Human Trafficking led by Dr. Sandra Morgan and Adjunct Professor Derek Marsh.
Live2free Hosts 2nd Annual Fair Trade Fashion Show
This past Thursday marked the second annual Fair Trade Fashion Show hosted by Vanguard's human trafficking awareness club, Live2Free.
What is Live2Free?
Live2Free empowers youth to end human trafficking through raising awareness at Vanguard University and with youth thorough Orange County, and beyond.
Women in Leadership Training in Baghdad
The future of women in the Middle East depends on women in the Middle East. We will continue to support their leadership and water the seeds they have planted.